Message from the Chapter President

Posted 10 months ago by Susan Gates

Greetings! To All Our Chapter Members and Followers

As Fall approaches, don’t let our fast-paced work environments keep you from attending our monthly meetings. Your leadership team has been hard at work, since their installation on July 8th, creating the calendar of events, educational programs, and networking opportunities for 2023-2024.

First, I am pleased to introduce our leadership team to you. Let’s welcome, Adoree Diaz as Chapter Secretary and Gary Phillips as our Treasurer. Joining the established board members team with Jessica Gruendler and Sheryl Michelson are Christina Alvarado, Stephanie Battiste, Keren Falkenstein, and Donna Juntunen. The Nominating Committee of 3 is Christina Alvarado, Margaret Gabat and Maria Leah Millan. We encourage others to step up and join this dynamic team. We cannot forget our beloved past-presidents, Linda Wolf, Gina Bommarito, and Donna Juntunen, as well as past board members, Marianne Williams, Joanna Weston, Melody Falsis-Mittelbuscher,  and Nina Yin, who provide continual advisory support.  As your Chapter President and Vice-President, join me in welcoming these mighty fine volunteers to the team. They are fully committed to the chapter’s mission, values,  and goals.

Secondly, we are a “premiere” chapter this year, having two of our finest past chapter board members step into the National spotlight. We can say Hallelujah! To our National AORN President, Elizabeth Pincus and AORN National Nominating Committee Chair, H. Charlie Lin. Your Chapter excitedly stands behind you both as this calendar reign begins.

Lastly, as “life-long learners” PeriOperative nurses should take their commitment seriously. Dedicate to your professional  development time and embrace these monthly meetings, educational programs and social networking opportunities. Take great pride in keeping our struggling chapter in existence with your in-person presence. No matter how long you have been practicing you are invaluable to your facilities and to your patients. Stay abreast of the latest surgical updates or just reinforce your knowledge bases. I have great confidence in the membership that you will challenge yourself to take advantage of the offerings that come your way. Thank you for your continual support. I am proud to be your Chapter President/Vice-President but I am even prouder to be a PeriOperative Nurse and stand with you.

Cheers to us! We are the “PeriOperative Heroes “ daily in our Operating Rooms.

Most Appreciative,

Susan Gates

AORN 0513 Silicon Valley CA Chapter President and Vice-President (2023-24)