Nominating Team needs your help-Message from the President

Posted 4 months ago by Susan Gates

Hello All,

As we gather together at our chapter venue locations, let us remind ourselves of why we are apart of this AORN chapter. If you are not a member, this is a perfect time to get involve and become one! it's never too late!

Our Nominating Committee, Christina Alvarado, Margaret, Gabat, Leah Millan, and Annamarie Varo, are working diligently on our ballot of candidates for the vacancies of our leadership team for 2024-2025. They, as well as anyone of the leadership team, are available to answer any questions you may have. 

It's a new year! Make that resolution to be an "active" participant in our local 0513 chapter.You will be the true beneficiary of your efforts. We appreciate each and everyone of you and your wonderful contributions to your hospital facilities and patients.

Take it one step further. Support your chapter and your fellow PeriOperative colleagues. Come and participate at our monthly meetings and educational offerings. We know you all touch countless lives daily. You offer comfort and healing touch in times of need to your patients. Now, it's the time to offer yourself to your chapter. It's this unwavering commitment that will keep your chapter going and provide you with professional development throughout our educational offerings.

Register on the website ( Come and join us at the Saturday, Jan 20th meeting/presentation and find out how you can get involved.

With deepest gratitude for your continual support, 

Susan Gates

AORN 0513 Chapter President/Vice-President